“The prevalence of pathological love is approximately 5-10% of the population, yet is often as high as 25% in certain groups, such as college-aged students.”

– Current research in PudMed Central & Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology

From Love Addicted to Love Connected™ is a breakthrough 9-week program that is designed for people who want immediate transformational change and are highly motivated to take a deep dive into their healing, relational complexities, and personal development.

This program is a groundbreaking approach that implements comprehensive, research-based strategies and actionable tools that are designed to help you identify key areas in your relationship patterns that are holding you back, so you can unlock positive and lasting growth, leading to healthy connection within your relationships.

Decoding our attachment style is only part of the battle.

Without being taught specific, actionable tools, we will continue approaching relationships (and ourselves) from the same repetitive attachment patterns:

Confusing “attaching” with connecting traumatic bonds and more traumatic pain.

Anyone who has struggled with “chasing” love or “running” from it understands that unpacking why this happens is only a small portion of healing from the pattern. But, it’s not enough. Love addicted behavior affects a person’s ability to function in an emotionally mature way in their relationships, and their outward patterns are just the tip of the iceberg.

At the core of pathological love (whether love addiction or love avoidance), is developmental attachment trauma that has left scars in a person’s ability to be present and vulnerable in their relationships. The closer the person feels towards someone, the greater the risk of attachment trauma surfacing, including fears of abandonment and rejection.

Pathological love surfaces in many ways. Some may find themselves compulsively “chasing” relationships or with an inability to be alone. Or, they may feel depressed, anxious, or empty without a romantic partner. Others may confuse sex with authentic intimacy or may use sex to avoid emotional intimacy. Some may be in a habit of oversharing intimate details of their lives with the wrong person while trying to fast-track relational intimacy, while some “attach” quickly to their partner, confusing it as connecting with them. Still others may have histories of infidelity or have a “backup” plan in place, in case their fears of rejection or abandonment surface.

Common red flags of love addiction include:

  • Trauma reenactment in relationships, or “repetition compulsion”
  • Choosing partners that resonate with an abusive, neglectful, or abandoning caregiver
  • Living in a constant “fantasy” world, or struggling with seeing relationships for what they are
  • An inability to leave a relationship, or a compulsion to go back to a relationship that ended
  • Engaging in toxic relationships to prevent being alone
  • Always “searching” for the next relationship; an inability to be alone
  • Using sex to secure a relationship
  • “Clinginess” or frantic efforts to feel validated
  • Impulsive behaviors to prevent being alone

Dr. Annie Tanasugarn has revolutionized how we approach love addiction with her From Love Addicted to Love Connected™ program that implements psychoeducational + behavioral approaches along with specific developmental areas within its framework. She is a pioneer and trendsetter with over 2 decades in the fields of psychology and Behavior Science. Her program is specifically designed in guiding others in learning adaptive skills, while teaching actionable and growth-oriented tools, and promoting key self-mastery techniques. The result is that her clients learn how to remain centered and grounded while fostering healthy relationships.

Actionable tools transformational change


The overarching theme in Dr. Tanasugarn’s From Love Addicted to Love Connected™ program is to educate, coach, and teach clients using both empirically-supported and research-based foundations. By providing clients with visual concrete explanations on how patterns play out the way they do, a bridge is formed between theory and application. This supports clients in taking the guesswork out of their growth by recognizing when and where to dive deeper and how to discover these insights within themselves.


This program raises the bar for any client who wants to fast-track their successes. “Reframing” and “awareness” techniques associated with traditional talk therapy can only go so far. A hard truth is that we need quantifiable goals – actual plans that can be defined, tracked, modified, and mastered. These are the secrets to lasting growth and healing. This is where Dr. Tanasugarn stands out as a leader and pioneer in both psychology and Behavior Science.


Attachment trauma is at the core of pathological love. Many who struggle with patterns of love addiction (or love avoidance) were not given healthy role models when it came to learning about love. As a result, children learn what they are taught, often by a process of modeling and imitation. If a child’s parents or caregivers modeled toxic patterns associated with love, children often learn this as “normal.” Unpacking our attachment trauma begins with learning our unique attachment style. But, it also includes a deep dive into behavioral processes and patterns that resonate with these core attachment wounds. From Love Addicted to Love Connected™ teaches how to recognize and modify existing attachment patterns, resulting in an Earned Secure style, and healthier relationships.


A critical part of healing from love addiction is in understanding where our unmet needs are, and targeting these areas. If our needs went unmet in childhood, the outcome is often developmental “holes” where our unmet needs are. A pattern specific to love addiction is in turning to relationships as a way of “filling” these developmental holes. Unfortunately, this leads to disappointment, and a pattern of turning to more and more people to try and get our needs met. By diving deep into understanding where these developmental “holes” are, I teach my clients how to begin nurturing these needs for themselves, with less dependency on others.


Mastery can only happen once a new skill has been properly taught, can generalize, and only after a client has been trained in monitoring and assessing their progress. With mastery, skills become more fluid, healthy patterns more automatic, and older habits fade. Any program should include a way for clients to gain and maintain mastery in their lives. This is where Dr. Tanasugarn has consistently proven her expertise, in not only providing her clients necessary skills, but in proving evidence-based tools that foster ongoing mastery.

In this comprehensive and intensive 9-week program, you will receive:

  • 1:1 intensive, personalized and individual coaching sessions each week
  • In-between session calls or emails to monitor progress and modify goals as needed
  • Journaling prompts and assignments
  • Specific weekly goals that use a stepwise system to mastery
  • Accountability checks
  • Homework assignments that allow you to apply skills gained in real-world situations
  • Workbook pages, worksheets, graphs & printouts that you can use in real-time
  • Increased self-awareness, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance
  • Valuable insights and tools for understanding and meeting needs
  • My in-depth Self-Healing Through Self-Discovery Approach™ to healing our Inner Child
  • …and much more that I keep exclusive for each client’s unique needs.

There is hope, and there is help. Start your self-healing journey today.